
My Monster... Folding A Fitted Sheet

Okay, for YEARS I have struggled with trying to fold a fitted sheet. My mother-in-law can fold sheets that look like they came straight from the Chinese laundry. It made me ill how ‘perfect’ her linen closet looked. So I took my sheets to the bedroom with my Martha Stewart book and locked the door. If I don’t lock the door every child would come in with something to say.

It looked SO easy in the book. The pictures and the directions seemed to be great. Was I just fitted sheet challenged?? After about 20 minutes I finally DID IT!! Why did it take so long? The directions was for a right hand person, I'm LEFT handed. I was so happy. I could not believe how pretty and neat the sheet looked. Hubby was like…”who cares just fold it the best way you can, what is the big deal”. I could not believe what I was hearing. This is the man who is “Mr. Perfection”, the man who will spend 2 hours organizing the garage so it’s nice and neat, when I’m like…”who cares it’s a garage”. My daughters celebrated my victory with me. At least someone cared that I had finally did the impossible.

This is a personal challenge for me now. Can I turn my house into a nice neat place for everyone? Sure, some ladies have help…’THE MAID’. I’d rather spend my ‘maid’ money on a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes or another Louis Vuitton bag. Oh the choices in life.


  1. LOL! It is a big deal!

    I don't have that skill set either but with your previous post, I just might be on my way!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  2. I've seen you over at SITS' site.
    Welcome to the blogosphere, sitsah!!
    Following you, hope you visit me!
    Happy weekend!

  3. Thanks Ladies for visiting. I'll be heading over your way with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake to settle in for a good read.

  4. Thanks Gloria for the follow back!
    I think we are alike. I love my Luis Vuitton handbag and Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha too.
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  5. I'm slowly going crazy without my White Chocolate Mocha. I told myself NO white mocha's for week!! The whole diet thing you know.
