
ANYONE Can Be A Housekeeper

I started my day by going to the library. I needed help, I had enough of not being a good housekeeper. Yes, I know that I’m forty {something} and why start now?? Well, my new motto is:

ANYONE can be a housekeeper.

I believe this with all my heart for if I didn’t there would be NO HOPE and that just isn’t possible in my glamorous life… HA HA HA HA !!!!

I’m not a fan of Martha Stewart. OK, YEARS ago I liked her. Anyway, I thought that if anyone could give me cleaning advice she could. There is just something about her that is organized and clean. Unless it’s dealing with finances… {yes, I know that was uncalled for, but hey, it’s my blog}. I found her book called ‘Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook’. Since I just checked it out I can’t give you a full review on it YET. The table of contents is neat and organized {big surprise}. I love how she does room by room so this way I can go to the rooms that I struggle with the MOST. For me my top room would be the KITCHEN.

Off to page 31 I go. On my journey there I discovered pages 23-29. Written there was a checklist of weekly, monthly, seasonal, and 6 things to do everyday. I just hit the mother-load!! I’m going to need a notebook and pen to take notes here. After jotting down the page numbers I turned to the KITCHEN section. The picture she had there of her kitchen at Bedford was of course nice neat and organized.

This book has 721 pages. I’ll be here awhile!! With that being said, I will share my glamorous journey of learning how to be a good housekeeper.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Good Luck! I have Martha Stewart's Homekeeping book and, other than attempts to look up something specific, I've never really read it. My quest to become a good housekeeper stops and goes. Right now it is stopped....oh well! I look forward to reading your blog!
