
Are You A Cary Grant Fan??

This is I think, is one of my ALL time favorite movies!! Even if you're not a Cary Grant this is a must watch if you like suspense {which I do}. This movie kept me guessing to the VERY end!!

Audrey Hepburn plays a Parisienne whose husband is murdered and who finds she is being followed by four men seeking the fortune her late spouse had hidden away. Cary Grant is the stranger who comes to her aid, but his real motives aren't entirely clear--could he even be the killer?

This would be great to watch with your family {my hubby even liked this one} or your friends. I wish they made more like this one. My girls and I LOVE to make popcorn and watch old Cary Grant movies.


My Monster... Folding A Fitted Sheet

Okay, for YEARS I have struggled with trying to fold a fitted sheet. My mother-in-law can fold sheets that look like they came straight from the Chinese laundry. It made me ill how ‘perfect’ her linen closet looked. So I took my sheets to the bedroom with my Martha Stewart book and locked the door. If I don’t lock the door every child would come in with something to say.

It looked SO easy in the book. The pictures and the directions seemed to be great. Was I just fitted sheet challenged?? After about 20 minutes I finally DID IT!! Why did it take so long? The directions was for a right hand person, I'm LEFT handed. I was so happy. I could not believe how pretty and neat the sheet looked. Hubby was like…”who cares just fold it the best way you can, what is the big deal”. I could not believe what I was hearing. This is the man who is “Mr. Perfection”, the man who will spend 2 hours organizing the garage so it’s nice and neat, when I’m like…”who cares it’s a garage”. My daughters celebrated my victory with me. At least someone cared that I had finally did the impossible.

This is a personal challenge for me now. Can I turn my house into a nice neat place for everyone? Sure, some ladies have help…’THE MAID’. I’d rather spend my ‘maid’ money on a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes or another Louis Vuitton bag. Oh the choices in life.

How To Fold A Fitted Sheet

There is a foolproof technique for folding a fitted sheet. These instructions are for a right-handed person; just reverse them if you're left-handed.

1. Stand holding the sheet by the two adjacent corners of one of the shorter edges. With the sheet inside out, place one hand in each of these two corners.

2. Bring your right hand to your left, and fold the corner in your right hand over the one in your left, enveloping it. Next, reach down and pick up the corner that is hanging in front; bring it up, and fold it over the two corners in your left hand; the corner that's showing will be inside out.

3. Bring the last corner up, and fold it over the others; with its right side showing, it should envelop the other three corners.

4. Lay the folded sheet on a flat surface and straighten it into the shape shown.

5. Fold the two edges in so all the elastic is hidden.

6. Fold the sheet into a rectangle.

7. Continue folding until the rectangle is the size you want it to be.

The Ugly 4 Letter Word DIET

I can’t seem to put it off any longer no matter how hard I try. I have told myself…”you cannot get FAT, I demand it.” This has NOT worked!!

For several years I was fit, trim and lean. Then I became pregnant at 39. I again told myself…”you WILL stay fit and you will not put on unnecessary baby weight.” I listened to myself. I was up {just about} everyday walking. I drank plenty of water. I ate healthy dishes for me and the baby. The only weight I gained was from the baby. WOW!! I found it hard to believe myself. I decided I was going to breastfeed. Even though I had to keep my calorie intake up for the baby, it seemed that the pounds just melted off.

THEN…I stopped breastfeeding. I had become use to eating much MORE!! The pounds no longer melted away but stuck and stuck hard. I had stopped exercising. I was and am a mess. The time has come. I have to DIET!!

I CAN DO THIS. I got myself in shape once, I know I can do it again. It’s all about mind over matter. So with my mind made up, I’m going to start my DIET tomorrow. I’m not good at stuff like Jenny Craig or Billy Banks {Tae Bo} so I will be doing my own thing. Why, for this is what I did years ago. I know my body better than anyone and I know what I can and cannot do. I came up with my own {what I call} Body Plan. This is what I will be doing this time. Wish me luck!!


ANYONE Can Be A Housekeeper

I started my day by going to the library. I needed help, I had enough of not being a good housekeeper. Yes, I know that I’m forty {something} and why start now?? Well, my new motto is:

ANYONE can be a housekeeper.

I believe this with all my heart for if I didn’t there would be NO HOPE and that just isn’t possible in my glamorous life… HA HA HA HA !!!!

I’m not a fan of Martha Stewart. OK, YEARS ago I liked her. Anyway, I thought that if anyone could give me cleaning advice she could. There is just something about her that is organized and clean. Unless it’s dealing with finances… {yes, I know that was uncalled for, but hey, it’s my blog}. I found her book called ‘Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook’. Since I just checked it out I can’t give you a full review on it YET. The table of contents is neat and organized {big surprise}. I love how she does room by room so this way I can go to the rooms that I struggle with the MOST. For me my top room would be the KITCHEN.

Off to page 31 I go. On my journey there I discovered pages 23-29. Written there was a checklist of weekly, monthly, seasonal, and 6 things to do everyday. I just hit the mother-load!! I’m going to need a notebook and pen to take notes here. After jotting down the page numbers I turned to the KITCHEN section. The picture she had there of her kitchen at Bedford was of course nice neat and organized.

This book has 721 pages. I’ll be here awhile!! With that being said, I will share my glamorous journey of learning how to be a good housekeeper.